I’m Nicole.

I'm so glad you are here.

 I live for a fun adventure, am always sketching up new home projects, and I love helping people find creative solutions to their problems. 

Hi there!

Kind Words

Nicole was patient and encouraging. I feel like I finally have my life together. Our house isn't cluttered, and cleaning is so much easier now.

— K.L.

I've never had content this great before French 75. My social media is totally exploding with engagement.

— Jennifer, co-Founder, Tonic site shop


Let's work together to make your home dreams a reality. Whether that means making your home cozy for your family, being able to host friends, or just being able to find an outfit that you love in your closet, I can help. 

Sure, You Could Do It Yourself.

There are a lot of organizing and decorating  books that you could read. You could read blogs and print check lists. If that works for you, great!

However, most of my clients get overwhelmed when they are in the middle of decluttering and never-ending home projects. If that sounds like you, I would love to support you by creating a personalized, practical plan and providing accountability. 

“I actually had fun organizing my closet with Nicole. It is my favorite room in the house.” 


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